Process Overview


CPR™ is a process that employs a series of proven technologies that are applied in an innovative chain.The process relies upon the basic and proven chemistry of known reactions that have been used successfully, in some cases, for over 100 years. CPR™ achieves high yields through a series of chemical reaction steps each with a very high conversion.

The company has employed significant expertise into the development of its business, including working with third parties to provide independent reviews on key issues, such as:

  • Validation of the CPR™ low cost structure;
  • Confirmation of equipment and process scalability from the demonstration plant configuration to the commercial plant; and
  • Identification of fibre supply opportunities for commercial sites.

In summary, CPR™ uniquely accomplishes efficient conversion of renewable feedstock into ethanol via three major phases:

  1. Gasification of Biomass into Synthesis Gas - Gasification is widely used in the chemical, petroleum refining and steel industries, as well as generation and cogeneration processes.
  2. Catalyzed Chemical Reactions to Convert Synthesis Gas into Ethanol - Catalysts and catalyzed reactions are the backbone of the chemical manufacturing industry, accounting for 60% of all chemicals produced today, in 90% of chemical processes.
  3. Distillation of Ethanol - Distillation technology is well established, used wherever purified chemicals are needed.

Feedstock Opportunities


One of Woodland's most significant advantages is our ability to use a wide variety of feedstocks. Use of diverse renewable biomass feedstocks allows Woodland's CPR™ plants to use non-food materials and thereby minimize input costs. This also allows CPR™ plants to operate outside of the controversy surrounding the fermentation industry over the consumption of food materials to supply our fuel market needs.

The following table identifies some of the biomass feedstock materials that Woodland's CPR™ technology can use:

Wood Waste

Wood Bi-Product and Waste

  • Damaged and diseased forest materials
  • Wood chips, sawdust, bark, end-cuts
  • Forest slash
  • Urban wood waste, trimmings, branches
  • Industrial wood waste, pallets, wire reels
  • Demolition wood
  • Cellulose

    Cellulose-Rich Products

  • Cardboard
  • Paper
  • Municipal Solid Waste
  • Agriculture Waste

    Agricultural Waste

  • Corn stover, stalks, cobs
  • Bagasse
  • Switchgrass
  • Food processing waste materials

    Low Cost Structure


    In a commodity market such as ethanol, cost is the key competitiveness factor, and Woodland has a distinct advantage.

    Woodland's CPR™ technology takes a different approach to producing ethanol as compared to both fermentation used by corn based ethanol producers, and the modified fermentation route used by biochemical based cellulosic ethanol companies.

    First, Woodland's technology is not dependent upon the use of corn or other "cash" crops, which under traditional fermentation production processes represents over 50% of the total variable cost of production.

    Second, the CPR™ technology provides significantly higher feedstock productivity and yield as a result of a more complete use of the feedstock. Fermentation uses only the carbon present in cellulose and starch, without using the carbon in the lignin, hemi-cellulose and CO2 arising from fermentation. Woodland's process captures all the carbon in all elements of the plant.

    Product Ethanol Production Process Typical Observations
    Corn Ethanol Corn Fermentation
  • Volatile feedstock costs
  • Converts food into fuel
  • Cellulosic Ethanol Biomass Pretreatment + Cellulose Fermentation
  • Lignin (typically >25% of biomass) is difficult to convert, therefore limiting the yield
  • High cost and variability for enzymes
  • Cellulosic Ethanol Biomass into Syngas + Mixed Alcohols Catalyst
  • Low yield and high cost due to complexities in separating ethanol from mixed alcohols
  • Woodland Cellulosic Ethanol Biomass into Syngas + Ethanol Catalysts
  • High conversion/yield
  • Low cost

    Environmental Benefits


    In summary, the key environmental features associated with the Woodland process include:

    • No toxic residues
    • Low greenhouse gas emissions
    • Direct replacement for fossil fuels
    • CO2 emission reduction credits
    • Significant positive contribution to energy equation

    The Woodland conversion system operates as a closed-loop process, with no discharges of emissions or materials that could cause environmental damage. The closed-loop engineering is a key feature in that it both minimizes the environmental footprint, but also results in modest waste and by-product, which is a key reason behind the high conversion yield from wood waste to ethanol.

    Greenhouse Gas

    92% Reduction in Greenhouse Gas emissions

    Is delivered by Woodland's technology versus gasoline


    Powering 1.6 million cars

    A single 40 million gallon Woodland plant can produce enough to fuel them all

    C02 Emissions

    327,000 metric tonnes less CO2 into atmosphere

    Compared to gasoline based on fuel from a Woodland 40 million gallon plant