Climate Change


Woodland’s technology results in:

  • Carbon negative hydrogen, renewable natural gas, methanol or ethanol: Up to 354% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions vs. traditional fuel production methods

  • No toxic residues

  • Direct replacement for fossil fuels

  • CO2 emission reduction credits

In most parts of the industrialized world the transport sector is the single largest source of GHG emissions.  Woodland delivers a paradigm-changing technology to this sector – reducing GHG emissions by up to 354%.

The Woodland conversion system operates as a closed-loop process, with no emissions that could cause environmental damage. The closed-loop engineering results in almost no waste or by-product - a key reason behind our high yield and low cost of production.

Greenhouse Gas

Up to 354% Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Is delivered by Woodland's technology versus traditional production methods


Powering 1.6 million cars

A single commercial Woodland plant can produce enough fuel to power them all

C02 Emissions

645,000 tonnes less CO2 into atmosphere

Compared to the benchmark process for hydrogen production, based on the hydrogen produced by a single Woodland commercial plant